Interview Tips

interview tips

For many candidates it’s a struggle to even get to the Interview Stage. Because of the anticipation and excitement around actually getting an “interview”, most will fail without the proper preparation.

When you’re dealing with Building Recruitment, know that we have already done the background work for you by recommending you to our client. We have already put your best foot forward. But when it comes to closing the deal, your performance at the interview is all that matters.

Sometimes, a company may have already made up their mind when they received your information from us. So the interview is just a “confirmation of what they already know”.

In a technology driven world, we have Google and Social Media networks to assist us with our research into positions, companies, people and industries.

It is important to be clear in your own mind about the skills involved in a role and then prepare yourself for any questions you may have regarding the role.

The interview is the opportunity to present and sell your skills and abilities; describing how you went about delivering your achievements.

How can we say that?

Interview Do’s: 

Before the interview:

Confirm the date, time and place of your interview and the name and title of the person who will be interviewing you.

Be prepared – research the company and the role you are being interviewed for. If you have been given a job description, make sure you are familiar with it.

Know yourself – be ready to discuss your strengths and limitations and ensure you can provide examples from your previous experiences. If you don’t have relevant work experience, explain how your life skills may help you meet the job requirements.

The day of the interview

Think of questions to ask the employer. Examples:

At the end of the interview:

Interview Don’t;s:

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